Follow the tragedy of Resalyn Carr, a fun-loving young woman living her once peaceful life in the shelter of the Enclave. Her world is soon torn apart when the Byrights and Hakur feud over a long kept secret. Lives hang in the balance as one side’s actions could return a calamity to their home that had since been forgotten by time. Riddled by guilt from her role, Resalyn will do what she must to halt the reemergence of a threat that no person could face, no matter the pain that may arise at her hands to do so. Even her own.
What is the Enclave?
The Enclave is a vast, diverse ecosystem spanning from lush forests to mucky swamps, from earth-splitting caverns to sky-piercing mountains. But, most importantly, it is home to the Tillai.
What are Tillai?
Majestic creatures that have evolved to possess special abilities of great value to the Byright academies and Hakur tribes. Though, how each group utilize their abilities vastly differ.
Who are the Byrights and the Hakur?
They are the inhabiting groups of the Enclave. The Byrights seek exploration and study of the Enclave, developing advanced technology and equipment to best navigate the mysteries lurking within its shadows. Whereas the Hakur prefer a more natural cohabitation with the Enclave. A personal connection they hold in high regards to the point its a birthright to safeguard the Enclave, and the Hakur's, secrecy. They will go to great lengths to protect the Enclave's wonders, which often comes to contest against the Byright's doctrine to explore and discover.
The Rift Period
Strangely, the Byright’s historical records were lost millenia before the events of Bridge of Tillai. It’s a mystery that has plagued them for generations as they seek to recuperate their knowledge. One has to wonder what could’ve triggered such a mass loss of information, however.