Join the exploits of Detective Dazon Nobias and Dr. Eliza Hetaheart on the fictional continent of Ravilo. A place where an interest in spirits and the occult is considered the norm. Follow the duo as they investigate new cases that they (and you) must figure out if the crime is the work of the ghostly or ingenious tricks performed by mere mortals utilizing Shadejacktresy or the Phantasmal Jewels. Dazon and Eliza will be tested both mentally and physically as new cases present new challenges for the two to face. With their lives, and the lives of others, on the line.
What is Shadejacktresy?
A question most citizens of Ravilo are asking as well. A form of magic that has been popping up around Ravilo, particularly in it's criminal population. This has the inhabitants concerned as rumors make it sound like Shadejacktresy grants a person the ability to perform any feat imaginable with their shadow. "A bit of an exaggeration on their part," Detective Dazon Nobias would say. He spent most of his childhood studying Shadejacktresy and is fully aware that it has its limits. Or is there more to the art for even him to learn? Best to read and find out for yourself.
What are the Phantasmal Jewels?
A more familiar concept to the people of this new fantasy world. Only two generations prior to the events of this story, eight jewels were introduced to the people of Ravilo. Jewels that, once ignited, produce certain properties that have escalated Ravilo's technological growth. "And there is far more we can achieve with them, I'm sure," Dr. Eliza Hetaheart could attest. She's studied the Phantasmal Jewels for cycles (how the people of this world count years), becoming one of Ravilo's top intellectuals on Phantasmal Jewel Theory.